Location: RMS » Legal policy

Legal policy

The content on this website has been prepared for the purpose of providing information about Railway Moulds and Systems (‘RMS’) and its services.

RMS has taken all reasonable care to ensure the information and facts contained on this website are accurate and up to date when first posted. However, RMS does not undertake to update or correct such information. RMS does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of any information included on this website. We reserve the right to change, delete or move any of the material on this website at any time without notice.

Regarding links within this site to other websites, RMS has no control over these sites and will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of material on these sites.

RMS has supplied us with the plant and machinery for manufacturing 1,000 sleepers per day, with an 8 gang mould system in long line process. The plant was installed by their technicians in 3 months, and they also helped in training the local workforce to operate the various machines. The plant is working satisfactorily and automated with minimal manual intervention.

Niraj Sinha, Chief Executive, GPT Concrete Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd